Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Everyday life...

Oh, did I mention there are no clothes dryers here.... or ovens or showers, but that's another story :)

School has been a little busier than usual as we are preparing tests for the grade fives and sixes. My co-teacher and I translated some legends from Korean into English yesterday, it was a struggle but eventually we managed it, with help from babelfish.com and a mobile translator.
I have increased my taekwondo practice to five nights a week, mainly because that's what all the other students do and I don't want to be the slacker! Plus getting my blue belt was very motivating and the patterns I have to learn require many repititions before I even have a clue. By the time I'm home afterwards it's almost seven. Krista and I usually meet for dinner and then often go for a 5k walk to E-Mart or the shopping district by the KTX, or just around the track at the highschool near Krista's apartment. Weekends are definately more unstructured, with random social opportunities probably involving dinners and bars and dancing, never dull!
So many things here are so different and interesting and amusing. I like not knowing the language becasue of all the commercialism I am automatically exempted from. Plus, without being able to understand what you overhear fromothers and the fact that communication takes such effort, you tend not to bother and instead get to focus more on your own thoughts and feelings. There is less external noise.

Despite all the distractions I do miss everybody a lot and lately I've been dreaming that I came home, because I really really wish I could just pop in! Already though this adventure is a quarter over, and in a few weeks it will be a third over....I don't want to wish it away, and one of the very best things about it has been that I am very aware of being happy, thank God!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love that picture of the sidewalk with the wall-paintings. It makes the now-mundane (for me) seem interesting again :)