Monday, October 01, 2007

The Pink Place

This is me, Christa, Lizzie and Krista out for dinner at the pink place in Hadang (New Mokpo). The pink sparkly things in the background are hanging plastic bead curtains. Everything is pink - pink leather couches, pink lamps, just like visiting Barbies house. Here the owner is making sure we're having a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI CAM!! Paul here. WOW what a great set of pictures!! Looks like you are having a blast. Take care, have fun, come back happy! Love you lots, I will keep on checking in here. Let me know if you get this comment, Just added it to the first picture. It is Monday October 15th about 4;40 pm. Ann is in Houston Texas all week and kids have a ton of things going on, football and hockey for Quinn. Skating and brownies for Jude. Talk to you soon, LOVE YOU TONS! Paul