Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Party at the P-Club in Mokpo

Jeju is the "Hawaii of the East.."

More Jejo Island pics just in...
Seogwipo city harbour...that's our motel on the hill in the background.

Early morning calm.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Girls weekend in Seoul

Namdaemun market

Lizzi, Krista and I wearing our official Gaelic rugby team pub crawl t-shirts.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lookin good Jolene!

Great talking to you...keep smiling, more good things are on the way :)

Ya...that's right!!!
More Baekyang Sa Temple....

These are the pics I took with the trusty Minolta APS and then scanned in. Looked for a digital last weekend in Seoul but couldn't decide...
The streets...

Gwangju, with Liz, Ramona and Heather during Orientation back in August. Liz, Krista, Shanda and I have gone back a few times by bus to explore the shopping district..

Mokpo, in September with Krista. This is typical of the walk between our apartments, lots of interesting houses and paved alleyways.

Old Mokpo shopping district across from the KTX train station.
Panoromic cityscapes



Monday, October 01, 2007

The Pink Place

This is me, Christa, Lizzie and Krista out for dinner at the pink place in Hadang (New Mokpo). The pink sparkly things in the background are hanging plastic bead curtains. Everything is pink - pink leather couches, pink lamps, just like visiting Barbies house. Here the owner is making sure we're having a good time.

Random shots from orientation. The red plastic bars are popular here - actually convenience stores with a table outside. Beer is less than $2.00, and soju is to be greatly feared.

Baekyang Sa Temple

Another field trip during orientation back in August. The temple has a community of monks living there. More pictures to follow.

(Photos by Elizabeth Bodanai)

Naganeopseong Folk Village

During orientation we visited this protected and restored historic village.

I am buying a hand-dyed handkercheif from the women who lives there.

(Photos by Elizabeth Bodanai)