Monday, September 24, 2007

Jeju Island for the Chuseok Holiday

A four hour ferry ride from Mokpo to Jeju-do , an island province due south of the Korean penninsula.

Junum Beach was practically deserted except for foreigners. The ocean swimming was fantastic.


Lunch at the Hyatt

Here's Krista and I on a rented scooter. Ian and Justin rented a motorcycle.

The first day we toured the SE coast of the island - climbed down to a cave on a lava cliff and up to the basin of a 5000 year old volcanic crater.
The Sunbeach hotel was nicely located overlooking the harbour and walking distance to two waterfalls.

(Photos by Justin Schlossberg, Krista Farley and Ian Heaslip)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a GORGEOUS photo of seogwipo!