Monday, January 25, 2010

Good morning,
Anyone looking for the links previously posted here, please go to my other website
I maintain a list a links that I have found useful over the past three or four years. The focus is useful links for Ontario Public School teachers, esl teachers, and finding teaching jobs all over the world. There's also a lot of interesting links for other things too!
I will be graduating in April and hope to immediately start teaching. I've been applying to jobs in Spain, Prague, Eygpt, Libya, Russia and Hong Kong and whereever else there is an opportunity. Of course going back to Korea is always an option too, but it would be nice to mix things up. The goal is to get a one year contract in a place rich with culture and explore the region from there. I'm excited!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, just want to say hi. I'm new here.

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.