Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Figuring it all out.

Living somewhere you don't know the language can be challenging.
The most important thing is to be able to eat of course. You can get a bag of some different kinds of chips or cookies at the 7-11 or ant\y of the other small "marts" found virtually everywhere, along with a charming array of drinks such as aloe juice or pomegranite juice. But for a real meal you will just have to have to be brave and go somewhere and order. Luckily for Krista and I, we met Christa, also from Canada, who has been here for a year already. So we were directed to a snack restauarant where you can order from pictures and everything is only around 2 or 3 thousand won. Like many foreigners, we figured we could live happily on chum chee kimbap and guk (soup) while we got our culinary bearings.

Fianlly figured out my address today in such a way that someone from home can mail something to me (I knew how to say it to a cabbie)

전남 목포시 산정동 산체스오피스텔 708호 Mokpo City San Jong Dong San Chess Officetel 708 South Korea

Yet to figure out:
How to get my aps film developed here - I think it's impossible.
How to make a long distance call back to Canada.

The phone cards I bought in Canada don't work, and the word on the street is that Islam Star are the ones to buy here. Have'nt found them yet...

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