Monday, April 21, 2008

Grade five field trip to Hampeong

My co-teacher Tae Woo.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A day in Naju

A day at Wando Beach with Alex, Krista, Tanya and Erin

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Kickin it in Guncheon..

Here's a music video about life in Korea made by a couple of guys a few towns over...enjoy!

Monday, April 07, 2008

A neighborhood walk

A nearby greenhouse.

A collection of plants outside a house.

A rooster in a yard.

Almost all of the land in between buildings is gardened by hand by women.

These are kimchi pots on the roof of a house along the path I take to school every day. The kimchi ferments for months before its ready to eat. It's served with virtually every meal.

Nore rooftop kimchi.

About a forty minute walk to the North harbour beach.
Yuldasan in spring...

The forsythia lined road to Mount Yudal (Yudalsan - san means mountain).

One of the many pathes up the mountain.

General Lee Shin overlooks Mokpo.

These pavillions are scattered here and there, little resting spots with great views.

A pavillion ceiling.

This woman is hauling up a cooler full of drinks to sell at a pavillion.

Abbey, Tanya and Krista.

View from the sculpture park.